Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Words that inspire me....

Well, I've just read Shanna Murray and Rachael Hetzel's blogs (a must check out for anyone having a moment of uncertainty) and I must say that through their words I have been inspired to rethink things again.
It is so easy to get caught up in the day to day grind that you lose sight of the importance of just living. I always seem to feel that I need more hours in my day to accomplish all this "stuff" when really I just need to prioritize what really matters. I have found that taking time for myself is crucial!! It does clear the mind, de-stresses and inspires creativity. In reading Shanna and Rachael's blogs I know now why we are friends and why they mean so much. Despite our differences (and their are definitely some differences :) it really all comes down to what makes life enjoyable, remembering kindnesses and having laughs with great people. Even when things seem so overwhelming their are those bright spots that make it all worth it. The bright sky after a storm, the first bud on the plant in the ground, the memory of childhood times and the hope of something on the verge of being great. It all makes the day to day worth it. Sometimes you just have to remember that. 
I am having one of those moments as I sit here and listen to the steady breathing of my cat as she sleeps on the back of my couch. She is content in the moment and in even the darkest moments of my day shines a little happiness. 
So thank you Shanna and Rachael for your words that truly inspire and confirm what I have been struggling with for such a long time.  


joAnn said...

cris, you said it and you said it beautifully. Their words have been on my mind for the past few days too. I am hoping this little journey we are embarking upon will help us prioritize and see what is important.

karen said...

the most wonderful thing about inspirataion is that you can never know where it's going to come from next; it's the suprise that's part of the magnificence. it's no wonder that we've all found eachother.

shanna murray said...

i'm just happy you didn't have to be soaked to the bone and sitting in traffic to be inspired to make a change! you must be much less stubborn than i!

hope you enjoy carving out your own little space here!


Elizabeth Switzer said...

cris! you have a blog too! yay- welcome from nubbie to another! xo